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gm. Gronowo Elbląskie, pow. elbląski, woj. warmińsko - mazurskie

Until 1945 Preussische Kőnigsdorf, TK, Drei Hőfe (Schrötter) Pr. Konigsdorff (Endersch) Preusch Koningsdorf (Gotha)

The village was established before the Teutonic Order period; it was granted a charter in 1353 by the commander, Ortluf von Trier. In 1414, the charter was renewed by the commander, Herman Grans and a village received the Chełmno rights. Originally, the village consisted of two settlements: Preussische Kőnigsdorf and Neudorf - probably the later hamlet of Drei Hőfe. The presence of Dutch settlers in the village is confirmed by the surname of an owner a demolished arcaded house (from 1795), Martin Friese. The sources from 1776 mentioned the following surnames: Cornelius, Jantzen, Puls, Penner, and Wieb. The petition from 1868 was signed by Jantzen and Rudolf Unger.

Village layout - an oval village in a northwest - southeast line with a square and a pond in the center; there were 4 homesteads in the eastern section, including the Martin Friese's homestead with a park and an garden house, and 2 homesteads in the western section.

The cultural landscape has been transformed by the construction of a railway in the mid 19th century. After 1945, the village underwent further transformation. Out of 3 arcaded houses that still existed in 1950s (including Martin Friese's house from 1794), only one has survived - no. 27/29. There are also two house parks and a garden house with richly painted interior. The remaining historical buildings date from the end of the 19th century. A long barn from the end of the 18th century was demolished in the past decade. A road side shrine from 1830 has survived by the road to Fishewo. A Dutch homestead is located by the road to Gronowo.

No. 27/29 is an arcaded house from 1768 located on the eastern side of the square.

Schmid, s.87 - 89, Lipińska t. III, poz. 91; AG, MP.

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