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gm. Gronowo Elbląskie, pow. elbląski, woj. warmińsko - mazurskie

Until 1945 Nogathau (Endersch, Schrötter)

The village was founded in 1602 and was a part of the Elbląg estate. It included the area of the later Nogat and after 1945 was divided into two state farm settlements. The following 4 Mennonite surnames were mentioned in the 4th quarter of the 18th century: Allert, Dircksen, Claasse, and Penner. In 1920, the village had 139 residents, including 25 Mennonites.

Village layout - colonial village on terpy located on the northern and southern sides of the road from Jegłonik-Wikrowo westward towards the Nogat flood bank.

The cultural landscape includes: detectable system of draining canals and polders, and remains of terpy. There are no historical buildings. In 1930s several small houses were erected in the colony. Currently, a modern housing complex associated with a state farm is located in the area.

There are no buildings clearly associated with the Dutch settlers.

Piątkowski, Lipińska, t. III, poz. 89; AG, BF.

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