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Dutch villages --> Mazowsze
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gm. Warszawa-Białołęka, pow. warszawski, woj. mazowieckie

The former settlement and the manor are located in north-eastern part of Warsaw to the east of Jagiellońska street. The village was founded by the owner of the Golędzinów manor, Pelc. Ca. 1820, the road to Modlin running through the village was built. In 1830, the village had 13 houses. In 1916, the village was incorporated into the city of Warsaw. The Dutch settlers (several Mennonite families) inhabited Pelcowizna at the beginning of the 19th century; they were attended to the Elder of the Kazuń Niemiecki church.

E. L. Ratzlaff, Im Weichselbogen. Mennonitensiedlungen...;
Encyklopedia Warszawy;
SGKP, t. VII, 1886, s. 935.

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